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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I'm Backkkk

So, the few of you who actually read the few of my posts, or those of you who accidentally stumbled upon me, may have noticed that I was m.i.a. for a while. Well, I have no real excuse. Life is busy, and I made other things a priority. No more. I set forth to start a blog, I designed a plan for myself, and I refuse to be a quitter. So, for your financial woes and enjoyment, I'm back. 

Since I've been gone there have been a few changes in my life. I am neck deep into my Reading Specialist Master's program. I attend a college class one night a week, and yes, I did take out loans to cover the cost. (More on that later when I can share my reasoning for taking out more loans, and how I weighed the pros and cons.) I will be finished with classes in April 2018, and I will graduate in May 2018. Seems like an eternity, but I am already about halfway through. Time flies when you're having fun (insert eye roll). I also have amazing news! After being able to finally refinance my loans, I have been able to pay down $55,000 worth of private loans that were transferred that is now $38,000. This was all in the past 6 months. I am not lying. I did not win the lottery. No random inheritance money, and no, I am not doing questionable things for money. With my new consolidated loan and lower interest rate, coupled with the strict 5-year term I applied for, I buckled down and I've been cashin' checks and breakin' necks. Okay, I have not broken any necks, but I am really winning at this "loan paying thing." Not that it's anything to brag about, I owe a company a lot of money, clearly, I am not the winner in the situation. 

What have I done to pay down so much you ask? On a teacher's salary no less. Well, it is not always fun or glamorous, but I am still able to enjoy life and have a social scene. I just have to be smart about when, where, and why. Mostly it is about planning out a budget and sticking to it. First things first, I make sure my loans get paid. Next, I pay my other bills; car note, cell phone, and insurance. I then budget for gas money, and grocery and personal need costs. Any amount left over gets divvied up between savings and entertainment. I just recently got back from a Florida vacation, and I had to plan and save for more than a year. It is about priorities, and for me, being debt free is first and foremost. Enjoyment comes second. 
This would be me on a Southwest flight at the ripe time of 5:00 am. Yup. That means I had to be at the airport at 3:30 am. Why you ask...because early flights are the cheapest. I want to vacation, but I still need to be smart about how I pay for it. 

Currently, I make extra income by working a summer job at a golf course.  It works perfectly with my teacher schedule, where I am off in the summers, and the golf course is a summer job. No brainer. I work off of a small hourly wage, and the rest of the money is in tips. It can be inconsistent, but I take my money and I use the envelope system. This is a system that is a recommendation from many financial gurus. I mark envelopes with needed money. I collect cash in the envelopes as I go. Once that money is gone, it's gone. It is also only to be used for the intended purpose. For example, I have an envelope to save money for a wedding I will be attending, and an envelope for a Disney fund (geeking out about this one....also more to come on how I plan to have the most inexpensive trip to Disney ever!), and one for Christmas. I mark how much I put towards the goal amount each time and hide it away so I forget about it until I need it. Other extra money that I make in tips at the golf course I use to live my day to day and pay extra on my loans. 

Live action work photo shot. Driving a golf cart around part of the day isn't an all that bad way of makin' some extra money honey. 

I promise you that I won't leave you without a post for that long again.....this is me wishing that more people cared. Haha, one day I will be saving the world one student loan oppressed person at a time. 

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